Large stand for kitting dedicated to totes, bins, cartons and any kind of container and KLT. 3 levels. The front part is includes an adjustable angle picking system for optimized ergonomics. Empty return level on top position. Mounted on caster base. White PVC boards with Aluminium structure. Height Adjustable levels. 150 kg standard load capacity.
Number of levelsx3 including 1 return level included
150 kg/leve
Castors: swivel and swivel with brakes
AluminiumGrey1,25 & 2 mm
TRILOGIQ products designed for transport and storage incorporate plates or flat tubular structures for storing parts or packaging.
Angled levels
Angled levels
Applications with angled levels for picking and kitting. The angle is adjustable on most TRILOGIQ products.
Transport - Mobility
Transport - Mobility
Whatever the range of products, the wheel structures are designed for intra-logistical transport. Swivel and swivel-brake wheels as standard, on sturdy base plates. Another advantage of products on wheels: the increased rigidity and durability of the systems. A highly recommended option.