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Standardní produkty
Standardní produkty
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Standardní produkty, které nelze upravit. Více než 600 produktů pro logistiku a výrobu. Sestaveno a připraveno k použití do 11 pracovních dnů. Naše standardní produkty jsou také zdrojem inspirace pro projekty na míru. Ocelová nebo hliníková povrchová úprava. Objednávka ve formátu PDF s optimalizovanou kalkulací ceny dopravy na vyžádání podle vaší polohy.
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50 - 250 €
251 - 500 €
501 - 750 €
751 - 1000 €
1001 - 1500 €
>= 1501 €
Průtokové regály
Pracovní stanice
Policové stojany
Kolekce n°1
Diplays with ergonomic picking device
Kolekce n°2
Display for KLT with flow guides
Kolekce n°3
Kitting trolleys
Kolekce n°4
Multifunction workbench
Kolekce n°5
KLT workbench
Kolekce n°6
E-commerce Carts
Kolekce n°7
Logistic picking displays
Kolekce n°8
Standardní stoly pro průmysl a logistiku
Kolekce n°9
Dual-side multiuse stands
Kolekce n°10
FIFO Double side stands
Kolekce n°11
Ergonomic picking stands
Kolekce n°12
Angled display for bins and container picking
Kolekce n°13
KLT conveyors
Kolekce n°14
Picking ergonomic shelves for bins, totes and cartons
Kolekce n°15
45° picking angle live storage
Kolekce n°16
Ergonomic picking flowracks with low level return
Kolekce n°17
Production flowracks with side return level
Kolekce n°18
Adjustable cantilevers
Kolekce n°19
Angle modular cantilever
Kolekce n°20
Transport cart for bins, KLT's and containers
Kolekce n°21
Multiuse transport cart with door open / close
Kolekce n°22
Tugger carts
Kolekce n°23
V shape ergonomic picking conveyors
Kolekce n°24
Classic flat conveyor for totes, bins, cartons and containers
Kolekce n°25
Frontal loading workstations
Kolekce n°26
Fully modular picking shelves for boxes, bins, totes, cartons and containers
Kolekce n°27
Fully modular carts with flanges for totes, bins, cartons and containers
Kolekce n°28
Multiuse ergonomic stand
Kolekce n°29
Shelf trolley with front and back flanges
Kolekce n°30
Simple shelf push carts
Kolekce n°31
Carts with roller-tracks for easy picking
Kolekce n°32
Compartment carts
Kolekce n°32A
Tubular trolleys with closed levels. 4 anti-fall edges per level
Kolekce n°32B
Tubular trolleys with front and rear anti-fall edges
Kolekce n°32C
Tubular trolleys with 3 anti-fall edges per level
Kolekce n°32D
Tubular shelving trolleys with open shelves
Kolekce n°33
Tubular compartment trolleys for totes, bins and KLT's
Kolekce n°34
Picking carts for KLT's, bins ans containers
Kolekce n°35
Ergonomic picking flowracks with high level return empty
Kolekce n°36
Table adjustable picking flowracks
Kolekce n°37
FIFO Frontal loading workbenches
Kolekce n°38
Control and packaging table
Kolekce n°39
Angle front flowrack with optimized picking
Kolekce n°40
Compact live storage
Kolekce n°41
Bins and totes ecommerce stands
Kolekce n°42
Compatment carts
Kolekce n°43
Simple go-return Live storage
Kolekce n°44
Bins, totes anf KLT's stand with ergonomic picking
Kolekce n°45
90° angle flowracks
Kolekce n°46
Packaging workstation with picking
Kolekce n°47
Shelves push carts
Kolekce n°48
Conveyor FIFO workbenches
Kolekce n°49
Push carts with 3 protection flanges
Kolekce n°49A
Policové vozíky se třemi vyvýšenými okraji proti pádu na každé úrovni
Kolekce n°49B
Policové vozíky s jednoduchými policemi
Kolekce n°49C
Policové vozíky s vyvýšenými okraji proti pádu na přední a zadní straně
Kolekce n°49D
Policové vozíky s uzavřenými úrovněmi. Vyvýšené okraje proti pádu na všech čtyřech stranách.
Kolekce n°50
Control workbenches with information panel
Kolekce n°51
45° picking display for bins and cartons
Kolekce n°52
Information boards
Kolekce n°53
Storage and transport for boards
Kolekce n°54
Simple live storage
Kolekce n°55
Picking optimized live storage with low level return empty
Kolekce n°56
High picking rate production flowrack with open front
Kolekce n°57
FIFO Racking with low level storage
Kolekce n°58
Tilt angle ergonomic flowracks with return empty on top
Kolekce n°59
Production FIFO conveyor with go/return level
Kolekce n°60
Simple live storage with top level empty return
Kolekce n°61
Table picking flowrack with low level empty return
Kolekce n°62
Table picking flowracks
Kolekce n°63
Roll type carts
Kolekce n°64
Angle picking flowrack with low level empty return
Kolekce n°65
Roll type carts-closed 3 ways
Kolekce n°66
45° picking angle flowrack with low level storage
Kolekce n°67
Angle picking stand with low level storage
Kolekce n°68
Multi products modular shelves with flanges
Kolekce n°69
Multi-products shelves with picking angle for picking and front stop
Kolekce n°70
Multi products modular shelves
Kolekce n°71
Modular & evolutive packaging station
Kolekce n°72
Vertical storage cartons and packaging carts
Kolekce n°73
Live storage with integrated workbench
Kolekce n°74
Compartment protection trolleys
Kolekce n°75
Push carts
Kolekce n°76
Compartment shelves
Kolekce n°77
Trolleys with information board
Kolekce n°78
Picking live storage with conveyor
Kolekce n°79
Picking live storage with work table
Kolekce n°80
Trolleys for Bulk
Kolekce n°82
Worktables with conveyor
Kolekce n°83
Compartment trolley
Kolekce n°84
Tool holder stands
Kolekce n°85
Telescopic levels picking carts
Kolekce n°86
Stands for boards
Kolekce n°87
Trolleys with vertical storages
Kolekce n°89
Simple worktable with top structure
Kolekce n°90
Worktables with tool holder front board
Kolekce n°91
E-commerce distribution trolleys
Kolekce n°92
Workbench with angle workboard
Kolekce n°93
Compartment carts
Kolekce n°94
Optimized picking table stand
Kolekce n°96
Flowrack for small bins
Kolekce n°97
Flowrack with adjustable picking table
Kolekce n°98
Stand for flat products
Kolekce n°99
Ergonomic picking cart
Kolekce n°100
Packaging and instructions workbenches
Kolekce n°101
Workbenches with picking shelves
Kolekce n°102
Vertical storages and picking stands
Kolekce n°103
Board vertical storage stands
Kolekce n°109
Push carts with compartments
Kolekce n°110
Racking with compartment levels
Kolekce n°112D
Shelf trolleys made of aluminum profiles with tubular levels closed on 4 sides
Оd 780 €
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