Standardni proizvodi
Standardni proizvodi
proizvodi se isporučuju sastavljeni
Standardni proizvodi koji se ne mogu menjati u kratkom roku. Više od 600 proizvoda za logistiku i proizvodnju. Polazak sastavljen spreman za upotrebu za 11 radnih dana. Naši standardni proizvodi su takođe osnova inspiracije za personalizovane projekte. Izbor čelične ili aluminijumske završne obrade. Način naručivanja putem PDF datoteke sa kalkulacijom optimizovane cene transporta na zahtev u zavisnosti od vaše lokacije.
Прикажи филтере
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Trier par
50 - 250 €
251 - 500 €
501 - 750 €
751 - 1000 €
1001 - 1500 €
>= 1501 €
protočni regals
Radne stanice
Police i skladište
Kolekcija n°1
Diplays with ergonomic picking device
Kolekcija n°2
Display for KLT with flow guides
Kolekcija n°3
Kitting trolleys
Kolekcija n°4
Multifunction workbench
Kolekcija n°5
KLT workbench
Kolekcija n°6
E-commerce Carts
Kolekcija n°7
Logistic picking displays
Kolekcija n°8
Standardni stolovi za industriju i logistiku
Kolekcija n°9
Dual-side multiuse stands
Kolekcija n°10
FIFO Double side stands
Kolekcija n°11
Ergonomic picking stands
Kolekcija n°12
Angled display for bins and container picking
Kolekcija n°13
KLT conveyors
Kolekcija n°14
Picking ergonomic shelves for bins, totes and cartons
Kolekcija n°15
45° picking angle live storage
Kolekcija n°16
Ergonomic picking flowracks with low level return
Kolekcija n°17
Production flowracks with side return level
Kolekcija n°18
Adjustable cantilevers
Kolekcija n°19
Angle modular cantilever
Kolekcija n°20
Transport cart for bins, KLT's and containers
Kolekcija n°21
Multiuse transport cart with door open / close
Kolekcija n°22
Tugger carts
Kolekcija n°23
V shape ergonomic picking conveyors
Kolekcija n°24
Classic flat conveyor for totes, bins, cartons and containers
Kolekcija n°25
Frontal loading workstations
Kolekcija n°26
Fully modular picking shelves for boxes, bins, totes, cartons and containers
Kolekcija n°27
Fully modular carts with flanges for totes, bins, cartons and containers
Kolekcija n°28
Multiuse ergonomic stand
Kolekcija n°29
Shelf trolley with front and back flanges
Kolekcija n°30
Simple shelf push carts
Kolekcija n°31
Carts with roller-tracks for easy picking
Kolekcija n°32
Compartment carts
Kolekcija n°32A
Tubular trolleys with closed levels. 4 anti-fall edges per level
Kolekcija n°32B
Tubular trolleys with front and rear anti-fall edges
Kolekcija n°32C
Tubular trolleys with 3 anti-fall edges per level
Kolekcija n°32D
Tubular shelving trolleys with open shelves
Kolekcija n°33
Tubular compartment trolleys for totes, bins and KLT's
Kolekcija n°34
Picking carts for KLT's, bins ans containers
Kolekcija n°35
Ergonomic picking flowracks with high level return empty
Kolekcija n°36
Table adjustable picking flowracks
Kolekcija n°37
FIFO Frontal loading workbenches
Kolekcija n°38
Control and packaging table
Kolekcija n°39
Angle front flowrack with optimized picking
Kolekcija n°40
Compact live storage
Kolekcija n°41
Bins and totes ecommerce stands
Kolekcija n°42
Compatment carts
Kolekcija n°43
Simple go-return Live storage
Kolekcija n°44
Bins, totes anf KLT's stand with ergonomic picking
Kolekcija n°45
90° angle flowracks
Kolekcija n°46
Packaging workstation with picking
Kolekcija n°47
Shelves push carts
Kolekcija n°48
Conveyor FIFO workbenches
Kolekcija n°49
Push carts with 3 protection flanges
Kolekcija n°49A
Kolica za police sa 3 ivice protiv pada po nivou
Kolekcija n°49B
Regalna kolica sa pojedinačnim policama
Kolekcija n°49C
Kolica za police sa prednjim i zadnjim ivicama protiv pada
Kolekcija n°49D
Police kolica sa zatvorenim nivoima. 4 zaštitne ivice protiv padanja po nivou.
Kolekcija n°50
Control workbenches with information panel
Kolekcija n°51
45° picking display for bins and cartons
Kolekcija n°52
Information boards
Kolekcija n°53
Storage and transport for boards
Kolekcija n°54
Simple live storage
Kolekcija n°55
Picking optimized live storage with low level return empty
Kolekcija n°56
High picking rate production flowrack with open front
Kolekcija n°57
FIFO Racking with low level storage
Kolekcija n°58
Tilt angle ergonomic flowracks with return empty on top
Kolekcija n°59
Production FIFO conveyor with go/return level
Kolekcija n°60
Simple live storage with top level empty return
Kolekcija n°61
Table picking flowrack with low level empty return
Kolekcija n°62
Table picking flowracks
Kolekcija n°63
Roll type carts
Kolekcija n°64
Angle picking flowrack with low level empty return
Kolekcija n°65
Roll type carts-closed 3 ways
Kolekcija n°66
45° picking angle flowrack with low level storage
Kolekcija n°67
Angle picking stand with low level storage
Kolekcija n°68
Multi products modular shelves with flanges
Kolekcija n°69
Multi-products shelves with picking angle for picking and front stop
Kolekcija n°70
Multi products modular shelves
Kolekcija n°71
Modular & evolutive packaging station
Kolekcija n°72
Vertical storage cartons and packaging carts
Kolekcija n°73
Live storage with integrated workbench
Kolekcija n°74
Compartment protection trolleys
Kolekcija n°75
Push carts
Kolekcija n°76
Compartment shelves
Kolekcija n°77
Trolleys with information board
Kolekcija n°78
Picking live storage with conveyor
Kolekcija n°79
Picking live storage with work table
Kolekcija n°80
Trolleys for Bulk
Kolekcija n°82
Worktables with conveyor
Kolekcija n°83
Compartment trolley
Kolekcija n°84
Tool holder stands
Kolekcija n°85
Telescopic levels picking carts
Kolekcija n°86
Stands for boards
Kolekcija n°87
Trolleys with vertical storages
Kolekcija n°89
Simple worktable with top structure
Kolekcija n°90
Worktables with tool holder front board
Kolekcija n°91
E-commerce distribution trolleys
Kolekcija n°92
Workbench with angle workboard
Kolekcija n°93
Compartment carts
Kolekcija n°94
Optimized picking table stand
Kolekcija n°96
Flowrack for small bins
Kolekcija n°97
Flowrack with adjustable picking table
Kolekcija n°98
Stand for flat products
Kolekcija n°99
Ergonomic picking cart
Kolekcija n°100
Packaging and instructions workbenches
Kolekcija n°101
Workbenches with picking shelves
Kolekcija n°102
Vertical storages and picking stands
Kolekcija n°103
Board vertical storage stands
Kolekcija n°109
Push carts with compartments
Kolekcija n°110
Racking with compartment levels
Kolekcija n°112D
Shelf trolleys made of aluminum profiles with tubular levels closed on 4 sides
Оd 780 €
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