Yasal Uyarılar
Yasal Uyarılar

Registered address

Trilogiq France
5 rue Saint Simon
Parc d'activités du Vert Galant
CS 70001 - Saint Ouen l'Aumône
95046 Cergy Pontoise Cedex
Phone: +33(0)1 34 30 74 74


Limited Company with share capital of €5,607,000 Entered in the Pontoise Trade and Companies Register under No. B 387 452 576 SIREN 387 452 576
SIRET (registered address) 38745257600029
ISIN FR0010397901


Chairman of the Board: Eric Courtin Chief Financial Officer: Olivier Langrand

Company profile

Trilogiq is the European leader for tubular logistics solutions for all production, maintenance and handling activities.